This is called love.

Im a happy girl who does not have any troubles :D

Links: Jiro Wang Wuzun 7 Princesses 2 Geeks 3G Ah Ray Amilia Asyiqin Banu Catherine Chow Seng Cousin Ezzati Geraldine Guang yin Jane Jing Ting Mei Qun Melvyn Noelle Ms Wei Pei Jiao Shah Shazwani Shuping Sok Yee The twisters Vivian Wei Ting Wendy Yu Hui Xue Ning

Layout by: Scribbles-love/{♥}

Monday, September 5, 2011

Sometimes I wonder if time can rewind
if time really can rewind
I would rather I dk what is love
and stay at an age where I still
believe tt the world is beautiful
and it is not cruel at all...

I would rather be in this way
so tt I would still believe tt
actually love is a beautiful and
wonderful thing tt it can be
but actually it is not...

Yes! it can be a happy thing
But it also can be a cruel thing
a happy thing is like those
dramas where both the female and
male lead can be tgt forever at the end of the story
and this is what most of the ppl
are hoping for...

But sometimes love dun go
according to wad we expected

你又能说什么呢? O.o

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Most of the time...
the person will stand in the dark
loving/liking/admiring him
when he is standing under the light

The person is standing in the dark
so tt he will nt see and know
tt actually the person
is loving/admiring/liking him

However, sometimes the person
will wonder if
this is love,
or admire...
I dun think the person noe lo...

Maybe the person is confused
or maybe the person had forgotten
wad's the feeling of liking
or loving someone...

Cos it is super weird...
it is like super duper different
from last time...

Maybe its bcos the person dun wanna get
hurt again...
or the person still wan t be his fren...
or the person dun wan him t hate the person...
or .....................

Well... there r a lot of possibility
which the person dk which is the reason
tt makes the person behaves this way bah...

